Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Faith Cheng 2023

Faith Cheng 2023

Faith Cheng
by faeth on 27 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

A complication of some of my works done in Nanyang Polytechnic!

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Hi, I am Faith! 

I'm a motion designer from Singapore, recently graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic. My work generally revolves around 2D and 3D animation, but the end goal has always been to create a visually impactful piece of work.

This is my latest showreel featuring personal works from my time in school. I usually handle the process entirely from conceptualisation to execution and occassionally, I am also involved in the post production and sound design. 

Thanks for watching and enjoy!

WATF Brand Intro

Working on this brief, the task was to create a brand introduction for local music label, Where Are The Fruits (WATF). The aim of the intro video was to create brand recall & trust, allowing the label to have a greater presence in the media industry as well as building positive expectations, all while still showcasing their brand identity.

Amplifying their brand mission which is ''reaping the fruits of our musical labour'', the concept documents the adventures of GUY, who is going on a chase to acquire the mangosteen. The mangosteen is both a literal and metaphorical representation of the artist's gain (fruits of their labour), and the mission to hunt it down represents the hardwork put in to get the reward. By using abstract elements and fonts from previous advertising and branding works, their current brand identity was swiftly incorporated into the work. 

Nickelodeon New Year Brand Ident

Team School Assignment
The creative objective of this project was to produce a New Year's themed brand ident for 2023, while incorporating Nickelodeon elements, Asian flavour and a diverse cast of local kids.

The concept for this animation involves having multiracial kids come together to celebrate the New Year by setting up a party. In order to push the Asian flavour further, the kids are shown engaging in different New Year traditions that are unique to different South East Asian countries. As the green slime is an iconic branding element from Nickelodeon, we chose to incorporate it at the end, bringing a familiar and recognisable motif into the playful ident.

iQIYI Channel Ident

iQIYI is a leading online entertainment streaming service based in Beijing and Shanghai. Working on this brief, the objective was to generate brand awareness and leave audiences with a clear impression of what iQiyi can deliver. An aesthetic motion graphic promotional video was tasked and screened across social media platforms such as Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook.

In order to highlight iQIYI's unique logo branding, which uses all capital letters except for the letter "i", a narrative was created to provide a visually stimulating experience. We follow the dot from the letter "i" on a journey to collect and reunite the scattered letters. As the dot goes through each scene, they interact with their environment, which is representative of different genres provided by iQIYI, showcasing their extensive variety.

The conceptualisation and exploration of 4 other styleframe variants before the final was selected is documented here.

Shapes Of Passion

Team School Assignment
Design Orchard is an intergrated retail and incubution space that puts Singapore's designers and their creative pieces in the limelight. The objective was to use motion graphics and fabricated in such a way that, together, they create a memorable experience for the customers.

"Shapes Of Passion" explores the possibility of patterns and textiles inspired by product packaging of brands in Design Orchard, showcasing the beauty that extends beyond while incoporating culture and heritage into the piece. Local motifs and peranakan culture was the main inspiration, working seamlessly into the approach of playing with patterns.

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