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Anuja Yengul - 3D Generalist Entry

Anuja Yengul - 3D Generalist Entry

by AnujaYengul on 30 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Here's an overview of my portfolio, I'm an aspiring 3D Artist and I enjoy working with stylized visuals.

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Coloring Arabesque

Here's a painterly-styled 3D model of a Ballerina, my main goal was to blend Impressionist visuals with 3D workflows. I referenced renowned painter Leonid Afremov for this project, his palette knife painting technique along with the use of saturated bold colors to paint a scene is what motivated me to try this style. 

For the painterly-effect generation, I used Houdini's procedural system to generate points on the modeled Ballerina and background. I used the Copy-to-Points node to paste simple subdivided brush planes onto these points. I added several nodes to randomize the position, scale, orientation, color, and UV space for texture variation. I used Pixar's Renderman for a flat-shaded stylized look. 

When Renderman's PxrTextureRandomizer did not work as expected with Houdini, I manually imitated the system in Houdini. I created a grid of 3x2 brush textures in one UDIM (like below, set of 3 UDIMs) and six variations of brush planes that each lay over a brush texture in UV space. With the help of a For-Loop and a Switch node, each point then gets a random textured brush plane. For further color variation, I created a Hue shift and luminescence map textures.

For added effects, I simulated paint smearing and converted it into an image sequence, which is then used as a texture for the intro shots. For the brushes appearing on screen effect, I reversed the process by deleting points randomly to avoid point-number issues in the painterly-effect node systems. 

Again? - VFS Final Project

I worked on this project at Vancouver Film School with a team of artists. I was responsible for Modeling & Texturing (Characters, props & set) except for the little Girl Model, Rigging for props like the Toy Train and Panda-stuffed toy, and part of Lighting & Rendering. The goal of our project was to create a story-telling experience using the skills and knowledge we learned at VFS. 

Yengu- Elephant Model 

Responsible for all visual elements except tree models

Francis Mills Ewer - Modeling & Texturing

Kitchen Modeling & Surfacing

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