Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Marjolaine Ganachaud - Concept Art 2023

Marjolaine Ganachaud - Concept Art 2023

Marjolaine Ganachaud
by MarjolaineGanachaud on 28 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hello, I'm Marjolaine and I'm currently studying at Artside School in the concept art class ! Here you'll see some of my work made during these past months. I hope you'll like it !

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Welcome !
Here's my entry for the 2023 Rookie Awards contest.
You'll find a summary of the work I've done during my year at Artside School and especially character concept design since I really want to push that part of my work
Hope you'll like it ! 

Environment Design

Carrier Pigeon

Here's a project made during Elodie Mondoloni's class. The goal was to create a new stylized architecture from different inspirations around the world. I imagined a kind of post where carrier pigeons are used to deliver the mail. they don't look like it but they are very diligent in their work.

Character Design

Bene Gesserit order

This project was realized during a workshop with Jérémy Vitry. We had to design a character from one of the Dune houses that matched the art direction of Dunes Spice wars.

Props design

The Lantern Sword

Again made during Elodie Mondoloni's class.  We had to use a prompt from the swordtember list and create a design around it. The chosen design is based on oil lamps but is powered by magic.

Character Design - Environment Design - Props Design  - Creature Design


Deep in the lush forest of a lost island, a village, Ankesto manages to survive despite an extremely wild and powerful nature. Locals have discovered that magic can be extracted from plants and flowers through pigments. Most of the inhabitants tattoo themselves in order to benefit from the magical abilities of nature. But be careful, use too much or be overexposed and your mind may not stay intact.

This project was made partially in group and through different lessons , one of which was during Jeanne Plounevez's class of creature design. Here my artworks on the project.

Character Design 

Elei Pa'Ani, the Mage Elf

Again made during Jérémy Vitry's class. We had to create a fantastic humanoid character and choose a class impacting his design.

 Splashart - Character Design - VFX

Netari , the raven priestess

Meet netari, a young Tiefling priestess under the orders of the Raven Goddess, goddess of death. Although her religious order seems dark and uncaring, they are in fact the guardians of the balance between life and death. Protector of life and guide in the afterlife, they are not particularly nice or bad.

The first artwork is a splash art that I did during Felix Donadio's class. On my free time, I also did a character sheet of her. At last, the vfx of her powers were made during a class with Jérémy Vitry.

Thank you for your attention !

It was really difficult to work on these projects during these 14 months but I am happy to have been able to discuss with the teachers who shared their precious advice with us. Thanks also to all my classmates who helped and advised me. Have a great day ! 

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