Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
KADE (Short Film)

KADE (Short Film)

Simon Chédin
by mrsimc on 26 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

KADE is my school graduated short film. After 3 years of studying 2d animation at PIVAUT. I had to do an animated movie on my own from start to finish. It took me a bit more than a year to make it and i'm very proud of it.

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For this short film, i had to do a lot of research and concept creation before hand. Here's a glimpse of it.

Here are some concepts of the main Character

Creature concepts.

For the creature, i had already something precise in mind. So it didn't take a while to find what i was looking for this project.

Background concept.

This is what took me the most of time. After a lot of testing, i've finally did all backgrounds in 3D so i could have a perfect reference of the perspective and the lights hitting the walls.

Color concept.

With the 3D base done, it became very easy to test some color and light positions to find what was best for each scene.

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