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Albert Gené | Houdini & Nuke VFX

Albert Gené | Houdini & Nuke VFX

Albert Gené Fernández
by AlbertGene on 24 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hello, my name is Albert Gené and I am a final year student of the VFX Superior Master at FX Barcelona Film School. All the projects that are shown below are personal projects for the master's degree carried out in approximately 4 weeks each at the same time that we carry out classes on the same subject.

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This is the first one, based on Vellum, it shows a car covered by a cloth that is removed in slow-motion showing the car below in different shots.

In this project I simulated a cloth with an attractor that moved and adjusted its force to reveal the car. With Retimes and several adjustments in the interpolation I was able to generate the slow motion effect and finally simulate the background cables, I also made the environment, with procedural shading, and the lighting of the project with its subsequent composition in Nuke.


This project carried out in just 3 weeks consists only of a single shot of a river, my goal was to generate a shot in which the FLIP simulation, white water, environment and the final look were as realistic as possible, and this was the result:

This was a complex project due to the size of the river. The white water simulation was a real challenge because it had to have enough resolution for it to work when the camera passes really nearby.


Finally, the Grooming project, this was also done in 3 weeks and is part of a larger project that I have not finished yet. In this sequence shot we see a Cheetah climbing up one of the walls of the river, for now without water.

For now the Grooming with its respective Vellum is done, later I will add the Flip simulation and other effects such as a small detachment when it runs into RBDs.

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