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Nathan Agostini - Concept art 2023

Nathan Agostini - Concept art 2023

Nathan Agostini
by NathanAgostini on 26 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hi, I'm Nathan and I studied for two years at New3dge Concept art (Paris). My entry is composed of different project I have done during these 2 years in school

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This is my final 3 months long project done at the end of my studies at new3dge concept art. My goal with this project was to adapt the novel "Assassin Apprentice" by Robin Hobb as an Action RPG video game with a focus on character design.

In the Six duchies, a young bastard of the royalty is trained by order of the king to become an assassin and defend the throne against his enemy.

Fitz The Young Assassin

Fitz Chivalry is the main character that you're gonna play during the game. He is a 16 years old royal bastard. As a child, he was raised by Burich as a stable boy of the castle. After a few years he receives training by order of the king to become an Assassin for him. Agile, discrete, he use stealth, poisons and all manners of different tools to achieve his goals.

Burich The Stable Master

Burich was Fitz's father right-hand man and is now the stableman of Buckeep castle. He takes care and raises Fitz as a father figure. He loves his animals and is never violent with them and even if he doesn't show it he has a lot of affection for Fitz and almost considers him as his own son.

The Fool

He is the new jester of king Shrewd. Not a lot is known about the fool, he often speaks in riddles and seems to know a lot about the events of the castle and of the life of Fitz.


The coastal regions of the Six Duchies are being attacked by outlanders known as the Red-Ship Raiders. The Raiders rampage through villages and towns, killing and taking hostages while stealing little, making their attacks look like they lack a motive. The hostages are returned, reduced to a brutal, emotionless state, driven only by desire. They are called the Forged Ones.

Below are the concept art I've created for Paris2084, one of the yearly project at New3dge, laying the foundation for the Game Art and CGI students, whose works are showcased in the subsequent slider presentation, bringing the initial concepts to life.

Paris 2084 is a project done for the Game art and VFX section at New3dge concept Art. It's about the "Steel inspector", a genetically modified human who fights AI in a futuristic Paris.

In this project we had to define the fashion of the world. Here are some sketches done during the research phase of what the citizen could wear and some research for an abandoned idea of an Android.

Personal Portfolio

Here are some pieces I have done during these past two years. I am focusing on character design but I also love doing keyframes and telling stories with them.

Special thanks to all the teachers that helped me during these two years at New3dge Concept art, especially to Choro Choi, Simon Tosovsky  and Nils Carstens for their amazing feedback during my final project!

Thanks to Aurélien Fournier for his support and the creation of this class!

And also thanks to all my classmates and friends for their constant support during those two years, I'm gonna miss you!

And finally thank you for taking the time to look at my project!

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