Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Imperial City

Imperial City

Aleix García Gispert
by AleixGarciaGispert on 22 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

I really like star wars and the concept was fantastic for my principal idea. I really appreciate it if you comment on something or like it.

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This is the result of one month of full work, This project was made entirely by me for my Final project for the Think Tank Online Intermediate term. Was so difficult to keep motivated for all the hours I spend on this. Now I can rest I look at it and I feel very proud of myself for keeping going in this and never surrendering. The main concept was from David Alvarez:

This is part of the progress of the environment, making all the props in low poly and figurate how to make the mountain.

Here are screenshots taken from Nuke to make the mountain projection.

Here are some screenshots from Mari of making the texture parts of the buildings

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