Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Modeling and Texturing Portfolio

Modeling and Texturing Portfolio

Melody Romero
by melodyaromero on 27 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

A collection of my modeling and texturing work.

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A piece I made for my Digital Sets class at Gnomon School of VFX. Based on a background from Kiki's Delivery Service by Kazuo Oga. I really enjoyed doing all the plants in this scene and learning how to make vegetation. 

A hot dog cart modeled and textured for my texturing 2 class. Based on a concept by Bastien Jalibert

An environment made for my Intro to Maya class at Gnomon. Based on concept art by Roy Santua.

Concept by Roy Santua

A 1915 Rolls Royce modeled for my Hard Surface 2 class.

A prop I worked on for my Hard Surface Modeling 2 class. Based on a concept by Hee Uk Jung.

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