Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Angelina Retodo - THE SCRAMBLE | Animated Short Film

Angelina Retodo - THE SCRAMBLE | Animated Short Film

Angelina Retodo
by AngelinaRetodo on 19 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

The Scramble is a 2D animated short film about a ninja chef and a savory duel! This film was made during my second year at The School of Visual Arts.

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THE SCRAMBLE | Animated Short Film


The Scramble is an animated short film about a ninja chef’s journey to find a rare dragon egg and cook the ultimate omelet. Along her journey, she encounters a mysterious stranger that stands in the way of her culinary dream.



Using Blender and Photoshop, I built a 3D model of a town and used that model to render and then polish the backgrounds I needed for this film. Here's a  step by step breakdown of how a background is made for  shot.

Character Designs


Here are the storyboards I made and referenced for film production.

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