Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!


Zanchetta Andrea
by zancosmico on 16 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

"Aria" is my personal project created in Unreal Engine 5.1. My goal was to create the assigned environment as realistically as possible within a one-week time frame, utilizing both RTX and non-RTX rendering techniques.

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"Aria" is my personal project created in Unreal Engine 5.1. My goal was to make the assigned environment as realistic as possible within the one-week time frame, using both RTX and non-RTX rendering techniques.

concept by: Marta Daneka

RXT on

Scene rendered in RTX with OCIO color management, using Aces 1.2 configuration.


Scene rendered without the use of RTX, utilizing Lumen, runs at a stable 80 fps with cinematic quality, 4K textures, and an Nvidia GTX 1660 graphics card.


All the elements comprising the scene have millions of polygons to achieve the highest possible geometry quality. To ensure optimal performance, I leveraged the Nanite system of UE 5.1.

Smart Material

Since most of the elements had a similar rocky material and many intricate geometry details, I decided to create a rocky smart material in Substance Painter that would adapt to each type of geometry using curvature masks, highlighting the reliefs. The entire temple and its elements have the same smart material.

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