Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
ECHOES conceptual video

ECHOES conceptual video

Sergio Perez Roman
by Merlu, Prusama, and delpra on 10 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

The work "ECHOES" displays a juxtaposition of the perception of the self through the bias of the machine, highlighting the issue of overexposure of the individual in different interaction settings, thereby generating countless perceptions of oneself based on the context.

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By Paula Arboleda @Prusama_art, María del Prado Fernández @delprart & Sergio Pérez @Merlu.psd

This project was submitted to the initiative "EL CUERPO SENTIDO" which proposed to new talents to express the perception of the individual through digital art. The work was the winner and, therefore, exhibited on different screens in the Plenilunio and Vialia shopping centers in the Spanish cities of Madrid and Vigo, respectively.

The work "ECHOES" displays a juxtaposition of the perception of the self through the bias of the machine, highlighting the issue of overexposure of the individual in different interaction settings, thereby generating countless perceptions of oneself based on the context.

It was generated using mixed techniques, blending different types of expression such as illustration and animation, generative art, and image corruption.

Shots of hands, faces, and real images were captured through Kinect and its respective modes, including infrared imagery or generative 3D, among others. In addition, organic animations are added, which contrast with the digital and corrupted image obtained with the Kinect.

Despite the mixture of so many elements, a cohesive aesthetic and discourse are achieved thanks to the art direction.

Here is the video presented for the call, and subsequently, the necessary adaptations were made for different formats. This achieved an immersive experience for the users.

Here are some raw videos of the process of capturing corrupted images through the Kinect.

Special thanks to
Thank the the 2 organizing shopping centers: @ccplenilunio @vialiavigo
Artists: @merlu.psd @prusama_art @delprart
And @ledandgo for supporting the call and lending their screens

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