Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!


Juan Torres Gil
by SixProd on 8 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Mental is a symbolic journey through my mind. Sit back, put on your headphones and enjoy.

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This short film fulfills two functions for me. On the one hand, it is a simple exercise in technique, cinematography, and material proof that I am capable of managing a project with these demands. On the other hand, it has been a journey of introspection that has a great hidden meaning for any viewer but is very emotional for me.

Because of how abstract this piece is, I don't think anyone can really understand what I'm talking about specifically. Although creating something self-explanatory narrative was never my intention, I have tried to capture in a visual way a transition between the thoughts that most haunt my head, both the most hopeful and the ones that make me lose sleep the most.

This project has been a long road of a year in which although I have not worked regularly, it has always been with me in the moments in which I could spend a few hours on it. It has been a very frustrating process at times, but by the time I understood that this video is for me, taking all the time that was necessary has gone from something that I had to apply myself to something that I have to control better.

It is important that when we create something we feel proud, if not why we do it, but we also have to know when to stop, for your mental health and your pocket.

The music is provided by Vicente Artés. It seemed essential to me that the music that accompanies this video is personal and made thinking about and to feel the sensations I'm looking for. In fact, without this musical support, it is more than likely that it would not be possible to convey what I want simply with the image.

Image and sound will always go together for me, supporting each other, keeping in mind that although I dedicate myself to video, sound has always seemed to me the most important thing in audiovisuals.

Here I leave you a piece of my life, in a mental and physical sense. Thinking about it coldly, writing this, I don't know if it really makes sense to consume so much time and effort, when I think of the hours I've dedicated to this video I get a bittersweet feeling. I'm happy to be able to express myself in a more artistic, more symbolic sense. But is it really that important?

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