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Game Assets and Environments 2019

Game Assets and Environments 2019

Björn Degerstedt
by bdswe on 25 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

This is a collection of some projects made during my education at FutureGames this year. It includes: - A complete environment set in an ancient desert temple. - A set of detailed tools in different stages of wear. - An animated tugboat scene with water shaders and VFX.

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A scene made in Unreal engine during the introduction courses at Futuregames. The goal was to create a temple cave scene using sculpted rock assets and custom material shaders.

Lineup of rock assets.


These tools were made during the texturing assignment at FutureGames. They feature procedural Substance materials and a couple of custom generators including a peeling paint filter. The goal was to create tools in 3 stages of weathering using material parameters in Substance Painter. 

Texture maps for the well worn version.


A Tugboat scene made in Unreal Engine 4. This was made during in between time at Futuregames, from the rigging to the VFX course. Complete with custom water shaders and particle Effects. 

Link to animated gif

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