Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
The Chromotherapy Graffiti Corridor

The Chromotherapy Graffiti Corridor

by cloudrivertown on 2 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

In the chemotherapy graffiti Corridor, I tried to achieve collaboration between interior design and the principle of art therapy. Using graffiti as media, visitors can communicate with space and light.

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"Color is a language." This project is inspired by Color Psychology, which describes the influence of color on people's psychology and how to use color for psychological healing.

In the chemotherapy graffiti Corridor, I tried to achieve collaboration between interior design and the principle of art therapy. Art therapy means that psychologists interpret the patient's psychological state by asking them to do creative works like drawing or playing an instrument, and chemotherapy is an important branch. Using graffiti as media, visitors can communicate with space and light. The artworks and related information may embody the impact of color on human mentality and behavior.

As therapists usually used bright colors from the spectrum for color psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, the corridor imitates the sequence of the rainbow--the color gradient from red to purple. The reflected light of the colorful wall and the colored sunlight dyed by the translucence ceiling construct eight sections filled with color.

The graffiti image, drawing time, finished time, and the location of the artwork will be uploaded to the server for further research. Painters can also view, download, or share their works on social media on the website. To leave the drawing area for the visitors behind, drawings on the wall will gradually rise to the archy ceiling and fade away within 24 hours. 

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