Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale

by carladeveze and thibaultleblan on 23 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

Embody Dawn, a femme fatale who uses Dark Arts, Occultism, her natural stealth and even seduction skills to fullfill contracts for one of the main mafia clans. A film noir stealth game.

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Game Artist : Carla Deveze
Game Designer/Programmer : Thibault Leblan

When criminal organizations have missions or conflicts to resolve, which are considered sensitive or if they do not want to be recognized as the initiators of certain actions, they call Dark Artists. Dark Artists are very comfortable with discretion and are able to perform all kinds of sensitive activities without being noticed.

Embody Dawn, a femme fatale who uses Dark Arts, Occultism, her natural stealth and even seduction skills to fullfill contracts for one of the main mafia clans.

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