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Harshitha Suresh: Motion Design 2022

Harshitha Suresh: Motion Design 2022

Harshitha Suresh
by harshitha on 1 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Hey! I am Harshitha aka The Shadey Artist. I am very passionate about creative expression and execution, so much so that I took it one step further: making a career out of it!

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The Shadey Journey

What started as a rather dry pun for my art account on Instagram a long time ago, is a name that I proudly wear today; I am the Shadey Artist. I started out as a Digital Illustrator, and expanded into Graphic Design, Video Editing, Sound Design and now Motion Graphics.
Keep scrolling to see what 'Shadey' things I've been up to!


'Beyond' involves a futuristic concept with flying orbs and gravity defying architecture, but in fact is more of a reflective piece to me, that best puts across my feelings towards things that I consider obstacles in life. At any point, the subject seems to be the only thing in focus until one zooms out/meanders away and sees the bigger picture, which there always is. There is a lot more beyond what one feels like a big thing engulfing their life at the moment, positive or negative. 

In a way, 'Beyond' is what lies in the unknown, something a human like me is usually blissfully unaware of.


Concept, Modeling, Texture, Lighting, Animation: Harshitha
Sound: Epic Music World (


'The Institute' is a title sequence of the thriller novel by Stephen King, which was published in 2019. I tried making the most use of stock images edited in a way that creates an intriguing and mysterious tone. It is heavy on audio sensitive visuals and rhythmic editing, paired with a minimalistic style of typography.


Concept: Stephen King
Music: Infraction (
Stock Images: Adobe Stock


A team project, the Mindhunter title sequence is a rebranding for the Netflix crime show that came out in 2017.
DOP and Editing: Harshitha
AD: Lee Yu
Art Direction and End Title Animation: Evian Liao
Make up and Prosthetics: Shirley Wen


And finally, here's my reel that I curated this year, from my time as a student in SCAD!

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