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My artworks 2021-2022

My artworks 2021-2022

Adrian Bik
by DarkOriole4 on 1 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

My name is Adrian Bik, and I'm a 17 year old self -taught artist from Poland. I make 3D art in my free time, and I hope to be able to do it as my job in the future. My main 3D software is Blender; I also use Photoshop and Substance Painter for most of my renders.

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Historic Slavic Village

The entirety of the pagan history in Europe is almost completely forgotten about. Even in Poland the remnants of our past are rarely deliberately mentioned - most of us know more about the Norse mythology than our own. That's why I've made this reconstruction; to make more of our culture visible to others.

To make this scene I've modeled 98% of the assets on my own (I've only taken the vegetation models from Quixel Megascans ). Even the pagan statue has been photoscanned by myself (after going to the museum and asking for permission of course). Here it is, in the viewer:

The idol has been found in the river Zbrucz (Ukraine) in 1848. It is believed to come from the XI-th century. The model has been photoscanned and cleaned up with Blender. I've then added some details using Substance Painter. It’s not perfect, but was still very helpful for this application.

To make the walls of the houses random enough, I've made my own tool for it using Blenders new Geometry Nodes:

Finally, here are couple of renders showing the process of finding the right composition:

Old Rooftop

This is the result of a little experiment I've done while I was playing with color.

Photorealistic spoon - a study

A study of every part of the assset creation process - from gathering reference, to postprocessing.

Final render


Full rotation:

An Icy Planet

This year I've finally created my own planet, making every texture from scratch, by myself. Next time I'll maybe add a spaceship, who knows? :)

The Desolation of Dreams

This is an illustration to a book that I've read this year, "The Lord of the Ice garden". The moment I've read it, it entirely captured my imagination, so I decided to recreate one image from it, that stuck in my head. It turned out to be a great exercise in composition and animation and I'm really happy with the end result.

Still render

The animation loop

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