Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Concept art 2021/2022

Concept art 2021/2022

Romain Mottier
by Omai on 30 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Hello everyone, I am Romain Mottier, a 21 years old student at Isart Digital Paris. This is the first year I participate. I hope you'll like it!

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"Loden" the blizzard spirit

Loden is the scout of his village lost in the Thibetan mountains. He has protected it since his youngest age thanks to his wisdom and his acute knowledge of the environment. He was blessed by the gods of his village and received the gift of calling upon the various cold winds that cross the mountains of Thibet.

Bubbly dream is a platformer I worked on for few weaks with a team composed of game artist, game designers/programmers and musicians. I mainly worked on 2d assets for the environment, and the Splash art with Schuller Rayan

Third and last slide was made by Rayan Schuller

Personal project. Iwanted to do the scene as it could potentially be from an animated movie.

Post-apocalyptic environment concept

This is some of the characters I had to design for our Bachelor project fictional game, based on the tale of the Snow Queen by Hans Andersen that we had to re-interpret.

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