Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!


by JoLing and zhiyee14 on 30 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Communication is important between human beings. In this installation, light is used as a signal of communication, just like how humans use words. When everyone gets to communicate with each other, our society can be even more simple and exquisite as Kelip-kelip.

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Round of applause for our sponsors


Communication is important between human beings. In this installation, light is used as a signal of communication, just like how humans use words. Kelip-kelip means fireflies in English means.  When everyone gets to communicate with each other, our society can be even more simple and exquisite as Kelip-kelip. The installation was coded using OpenCV technology in Processing and displayed on the walls with projectors.


The idea & concept is inspired by fireflies as fireflies emit light to communicate with each other. Each species has a specific light pattern that they use to communicate with each other. Besides, they have their own specific color of light they produce such as vivid yellow, yellowish-orange, green and yellowish-green.


Before the user enters, fireflies with low opacity and random speed fly around in the background. When the user enters, fireflies will spawn within the silhouette of the user. When two users are close to each other, their fireflies' color will change to the same color which means they're connected. When single user is interacting, the fireflies will portray in cool colors such as green, blue and purple. When multiple users are interacting, the fireflies will change into warm colors such as red and orange. 

3D Mockup

Floor Plan Measurement


Site Photos

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