Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!


Kirubel Fikremariam
by Kirub on 28 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Hello, I'm Kirub, and I'm a self-taught artist. This is my entry project and It's one of the best ones I've done so far. This project pushed me in a number of areas like composition, lighting, and characters. I hope you enjoy the results.

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Project: Journey

For this Entry, I was planning on creating a series of cinematic renders that show the journey of two frogs. It was a project that presented a challenge in executing multiple aspects of 3D like modeling, texturing, rigging, lighting and composition. I'm quite happy with the results and I hope you'll also enjoy taking a look.

Base Frog Model:

I sculpted and retopologized a base frog model that I wanted to use for my two characters.

Character Variations:

Added variations in texturing and modeled additional accessories on the original base model to create these two characters.


The frog rig is a basic bone setup. Since the models are intended to be used for just posing and not for animations, it doesn't have things like custom bone shapes, bone groups, and IK-FK switches. The accessories also use the same bones for deformation.

Owl Asset:

The owl was a reused model that I had made for a previous project. It's a simple-looking base model in which textured planes were used as feathers in a hair system. It also has a basic bird rig setup.

Scene 1:

Scene 2:

Scene 3:

Thank you for visiting this project.

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