Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Enjoying the process

Enjoying the process

Abel Romero
by AbelRomero on 22 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

I love animation and I love everything I have learned during the last year. This post explains a little bit how this journey has been.

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My goal has always been to make other people feel things through stories, and animation is a blank sheet for the imagination. That is why a year ago I started studying this discipline.

The first steps consist of observing and studying how people move and applying it to the characters that I animated. In my final body mechanic practice, I tried to tell a little adventure inspired in the Sword in the Stone story. In the progression shot you can see the process I followed.

The next step was to understand the thought process of a person. I had the opportunity to practice that in my pantomime shot.

And last but not least, I have recently finished my first lip sync shot. I think facial animation is the hardest thing for me to learn so far. Nevertheless I'm very satisfied with the final result.

Honorific mention to my mentors during this time, Roger Gimenez, Nicholas Hogan, Richard Forero and Jordi Solanes. They have guided me in this process and have brought out the best in me.

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