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My beginning

My beginning

Nahuel Murakoshi
by NahuelMurakoshi on 27 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Hi! My name is Nahuel Murakoshi, I am 23 years old. I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina and I am going to share the beginning of my journey in this incredible world with Butic The New School.

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I have never had clear what I wanted to be when I grew up, in 2019 I started my architecture degree at the University of Buenos Aires. During this process I loved drawing, making models, generating and representing ideas, but after the pandemic I found myself very unmotivated.

Thinking and researching according to my interests, I got to know the 3D world, renderings and architectural visualization. Which is an area that mixes both parts of what I like, art and technology. I have never imagined that there were so many specific studios neither schools working on it, so I started looking for a place where I could learn these skills and this is how i introduced myself to Butic The New School.

Starting a master's degree abroad wasn’t an easy decision to make, especially in the financial aspect, but with my savings and thanks to my parents help, I made the decision and it was really worth it. In just 6 months I learned more than expected and completely fell in love with the area.

I will show you the proyects that i did in this part of the master.

This is just the beginning, I hope you like it!

01- Jesolo Lido House

As a first practice we made the 3ds max model of the Jesolo Lido house by JM architects, where we learned the basic modeling tools and made the first renders with v-ray. I think that the quality of my  images have improve a lot since my first render after a lot of practice. I am very happy with my progress and improvements.

02- Japanese restaurant - Senses

For this practice we make an image that reminds us some sense so I decided to design and make a japanese restaurant that generates that memory of flavors and smells. In the first instance, by not using references of what I wanted, I didn’t get the expected results, so I went back to do them with a more personal style. I think that this search for references enhanced the proposal that I wanted.

03- Cliff House - Fran Silvestre

In this module we learned how to use Forest Pack so I decided to put all its parameters into practice by designing a new terrain for the house with a peculiar atmosphere.

06- Faculty of architecture

As a personal practice and for another challenge, I decided to remake this design that we made with a friend for the Architecture University.

I had the render done in lumion but I wanted to check my knowledge with vray so I recreated everything again.

04- Image - Text

To spark a little more creativity I did this interesting practice where I made this render from a text called "It all goes back in the box" by John Ortberg.  I also put into practice the atmospheric effects for sun light and Forest Pack for the carpet.

I recommend reading or listening to this text that inspired me to understand the image. (spanish) (english)

05- Modeling   兜 (kabuto)

For this practice I wanted to make an object that challenges me more than an archviz furniture, so I decided to go for something Japanese as my roots ask me. I hope you like this samurai helmet. 

To recycle material, I also decided to include these elements made in class practices as a decoration on the helmet.

I hope you liked my inicial steps into this world, I have great expectations to continue growing and learning new things. Next year I will surely be able to present you projects made with Unreal Engine, we will see what it holds for us.

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