Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!


Goncalo Ferreira
by GoncaloFerreira on 18 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

This is the latest project that I have developed, where different areas of the VFX pipeline were explored. The main focus was on developing my skills as a compositor to be able to find an opportunity in this field.

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“CONNECTED” is the Final Major Project that I created during the last year of Film VFX studies. To be able to achieve this result, new workflows were tested, and ACES colour space was followed along the pipeline.

The shots were created to tell the story of a special woman who misses her mother. To connect with her feelings, this woman goes back to a place that brings good memories of when her mother was still around. Her physical differences made her feel isolated from the rest of society due to the fear of being excluded. 


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