Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Environment art

Environment art

Cristina Andrés
by evaki on 27 Apr 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

This is my humble submission to this year's Awards! I am a 3d environment artist and I hope that you like my projects!

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God's empty house

This is my first really huge scene. It is a part of a bigger project where a story takes place in a similar place to Gotham, where everything is dirty or abandoned. And anything describes it better than God's abandoned house: the lost of faith. 

I had to work very hard on it, because this same space takes part in another different scenes and there are a lot of different props and textures. On the one hand, it was difficult manage due to its size. On the other hand, I had to make clean topologies, work with proxies and handle lighting very carefully to achieve an affordable render time optimizing everything as much as posible. 

A new Gotham

It is part of a cathedral that appears before, being its dome. It is supposed to be abandoned, old, but some fixes that were made along the time can be seen. The city itself looks dark and dirty, with some inspiration coming from the Batman movies and Gotham. I really wanted to get a similar atmosphere.

Tree cottage

This was a project I made from a concept art of The Lord of The Realms. I just loved the scene, with so many organic forms, ivies and different light ambients. I just wanted to inspire some stories with it, perhaps a hobbit lived here....

On the one hand, it was quite challenging because it is not a style I am used to. On the other hand, lighting was an issue too, but I really learnt a lot and had lots of fun with it! 

Prospect of Whitby

Project based on an existing pub in London, The Prospect of Whitby!  I think that I found so interesting this building because of its history (it claims to be the site of the oldest riverside tavern, dating from around 1520). And maybe my love for this type of buildings and its british style convinced me for going for it!

I wanted to make it look like it was a few years ago. I chose a dark scene to experiment with it and aiming to reproduce a dark night in an old city. As if it was a scene from a mistery movie or a thriller. I also wanted to reproduce as many details as I could (given the time), as I found charming the style of the reference.

I hope that you like my work guys and any feedback is appreciated!! 

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