Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Environment creation & Prop Design | Demo Reel

Environment creation & Prop Design | Demo Reel

Leonardo F. Betancur  Díaz
by BETA on 3 Apr 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

These are the most relevant environments and props that I made since the previous edition of the rookie awards (2021) ends, improving my skills and implementing techniques widely used in the industry (Trimsheet workflows, procedural material creation, realtime lighting, modularity in assets, etc).

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Software used : Unreal Engine 4.26, Marmoset, Substance Painter, Blender

Ancient Temple Ruins

Softwares used: Unreal Engine 5, Substance Painter & designer, Zbrush, Marmoset , blender & Quixel Bridge

SCIFI Hangar

The Rover Vehicle (BOBCAT GATHEARER M-041) was made by my friend Lobo ( Also I had the pleasure to wrote an article in Game Artists UK explaining the creation of this environment 

The article here

Software used: Unreal Engine 4.26, Substance Painter & Blender

SCIFI Medical facility

Softwares used: Unreal Engine 5, Substance Painter, Marmoset , Blender , Quixel Bridge

Prop creation

Softwares used:  Blender (Octane render build), Substance Painter, Marmoset , Photoshop. You can see more here:

1. Master chief helmet

2. Martin Baker MK10 Ejection Seat

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