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3D Modeling - Film

3D Modeling - Film

Cello Tan
by CelloTan4900 on 18 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

3D modeling works done through 1.5 years of 3D modeling specialisation (1 year diploma , 6 months advanced diploma) at 3dsense Media School

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Demo Reel

Jade Assassin

Concept – Aeom 93C

I first chanced upon the 3D model on artstation and I liked the design and concept of it, Before doing the character I have discussed with Mr Derrick on how to approach to sculpting and making this kind of Assassin character and me and him even started making changes along the way to make it a bit more unique as concept artist regularly has no concern on what a 3D Modeler is thinking and how he make sense things while sculpting the character to maintain some level of aesthetics and sense to bring a 3D production to life. We even agreed to go as far as changing the pose of the character to make it more dynamic because we don’t approve how straight the character of the concept is. This is the most challenging part as for the first time we modeler don’t necessarily have to follow the concept to make it work, and if we did, it will turned out way terrible as it should be.

Character was fully sculpted in ZBrush, face XYZ details painted in Mari, xgen done in Maya, texturing done in Substance Painter and finally rendered in Arnold. I also bought a specific XYZ face texture for certified perfectly good outcome for my female character’s face.

I am pretty satisfied with the aesthetics of my character but I do feel that my hair and expecially my female face model could be improved. The toughest part of this project has to be sculpting all the organic armours and details aswell as the overall feminine estatics of a female character as doing something so subtle could be challenging as one mistake can ruin the overall feel of a girl character. It was also really difficult to get the xgen to flow the way I intended to and required a lot of re-dos to eventually reach my result. Lighting also took a lot of tries to achieve satisfactory results as you could see in my submission, and Mr Derrick even lectured me sternly about this. (I MAY have exaggerated that part but that was how I felt and I’m glad he and I took this mistake seriously)

My theme and intention for this character is going for a rather dark theme as my character is an assassin, making her harshly trained to be very quick and cunning but none-the-less deadly and sinister, while at the same time selling to my viewers the idea that her theme was green (as the color represents poison and assassins are usually no strangers to these substance) and thus she works usually well with Jades, which likely has rather special connections to poison/venom due to it’s color.

Overall in Conclusion: All seem well and I am willing to admit that I have really improved, I love the pose and everything, and the changes blended in well. The only regret I have right now is not being able to make the face as perfectly beautiful as possible while I had the chance and I blame myself for not realizing sooner how ‘decent’ it was at certain angle, and if I did found that out sooner, I would never had compared to anyone’s work or doubting myself for a job well done.

3D Character Model

Half Beauty

Beauty Shots


Close Ups

Full Beauty

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