

by feenie on 1 Jun 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

You took something you shouldn't have! Escape this research facility before the robots capture you. Use the device you stole to overcome obstacles in your surroundings and fight your way to freedom.

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I AM is a 3D fps made by second year students at The Game Assembly. The game is created in our in-house engine "Ironwrought" and the project was worked on for 8 weeks part-time (20h/week). The group behind this project consist of 16 people: 5 Game Artists, 7 Programmers and 4 Level Designers.

The game features 4 levels that are meant to feel like 2 larger levels, each with their own challenges that revolve around the gravity tool you, as the player, posses.

Download and play the game HERE (PC) (unzip and install .exe)


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