

Gather all the relics to banish the Great Fish that torments your village! Immerse yourself in a top-down adventure game made in 8 weeks at The Game Assembly in Malmö, Sweden. Created by Gatfish. Game link:

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Sakanami is classic top-down adventure game which was our fifth game during our first year at The Game Assembly in Malmö, Sweden. It was developed during eight weeks half-time. Our group is called "Gatfish" and consists of 12 people( 5 programmers, 2 Level Designers, 3 Game Artists and 2 Animators). We took Inspiration from classic games such as Zelda: A Link To The Past.


In Sakanami you play as a young adventurer on a tropical island filled to the brim with mystery and magic. Will you be able to find the 5 sacred artifacts and stop the prophesied Great Fish once and for all?

How to Play

For any veteran Zelda player it will be a breeze to play Sakanami. You control the hero with any preferenced controller be it a keyboard or an Xbox-controller. The game world is open so you can pick for yourself which paths you want to take. 

Challenges and Hardships

The main obstacle with this project was that we had to develop the entire project remotely because of Covid-19. We had to communicate using Discord and coordinate the workload using Trello and Microsoft Teams. This was challenging and we had to be really open-minded and patient towards eachother.

More on to technical aspects, we also struggled with handling the height difference in the world. We solved this by implementing a multi-layered collision system reflecting the different heights. Apart from that we also struggled with communicating cross-discipline and keeping up with the tight schedule. In the end though (after some overtime...), we were really happy with the end result and are happy to share it with the world!

Download Link:


Alex Möller

Johan Wikström 

Martin Mossberg

Rémi Mrozek

Ventus Andersson

Level Design:

Alexander Sandén

Bastian Randau

Environment, UI & Character Art:

Alvin Johnsson

Johan Jergner-Ekervik

Sam Frisk


Alexander S. Jansson

Elin Carlström

Music & Sound effects:

Martin Mossberg 

Rémi Mrozek

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