Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!
Concept Art | Raquel Martí

Concept Art | Raquel Martí

Raquel Martí Olmos
by rmoraquel on 25 May 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

This is a compilation of some of the projects that I have developed and participated in during my studies in the last two years. Hope you like it!

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My most recent project. Sekht-am Sands combines the Kingdom of Egypt with certain technological advances. A luxurious world where the fight for territories predominate.

During the development of this project I have put into practice the use of photos to add texture, shapes and details. I blend them into the images by painting over them and using some filters like Noise

This year I have been learning on my own how to use some 3D tools such as Blender and SketchUp. I use these tools to generate simple blocks that can serve as the base for some of my works.

For this project I wanted to focus on the figure of the Pharaoh as the main character as she represents the power of the kingdom. Along with her I also made some designs for the royal guard. 

Looking for buildings with a paradisiacal appearance by combining water and architecture and using the colors green and gold. All this with the objective to accentuate the feeling of wealth. 

Props designs focused on the battlefield to combat those who want to invade the Sekht-am territory. 

This project was developed during my first year of study at Universal Arts School.

Prima Divinis is framed in a fantasy and science fiction world where a society governed by faith and religion uses the Shala as a source of energy. A powerful energetic reaction that is unleashed just before the death of an individual. This energy has allowed them to develop highly advanced technology.

In this case for the main illustration I started from a line drawing to set all the details and elements. 

These are some of the thumbnails I made to explore what this world would look like. The presence of large buildings mixed with technology and gothic architecture predominates. 

I was mainly focused on designing engineers and explorers. Characters who are strongly attracted to the power of Shala and who seek to expand their knowledge of this source of energy and how to use it.

Props based on the use and transport of Shala energy.

Goya's head was developed around the end of the last year and during my second year of study at Universal Arts School. In this case this project is focused on Goya's life and his Black Paintings. A darker-theme project designed by UA School students.  

These are some of the images that I made for the project:

Images and mood explorations that I made to visualize the interior of the house and to represent some sequences that would take place within the game.

Some of my tasks were to develop interior designs for the Dining room and the Service room.  I also designed some props and vehicles.

Thank you for visiting my entry! You can find more of my work on Artstation and Instagram

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