Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!

Flash Gordon Modeling Contest

It's your turn to re-imagine the famous world of science-fiction spaceman hero Flash Gordon and bring our concept art brief to life in this modeling challenge.

Flash Gordon Modeling Contest
Round of applause for our sponsors

Character | Real-time Model

We want you to transform one of the Flash Gordon character concepts into a real-time model that could be used in a game engine. Simply choose your favourite character and share your progress as you create your 3D model.

  • You can pose the character any way you choose.
  • You can include any background or plinth base.
  • You can include additional objects to help with scale and visual appeal.

For those of you looking to get feedback and ask questions about this challenge, please join our Discord channel. Don’t forget to use #flashgordonchallenge when sharing your work on social channels.

Design Reference

Please follow the link below to download your concept art pack. There are a number of characters you can choose from ranging from dogs, female heroes, villans and even robots.

Download Concept Art Reference Pack

Important Dates

  • Entries Open 3 June 2021
  • Entries Close 18 July 2021.
  • Finalists announced 31 July 2021.
  • Winners announced 10 August 2021.

Dates mentioned are at 11:59 pm on the date in question. All dates are based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Judging Guidelines

Our judges will be paying attention to how accurately you portray the characer concept. They will be looking for attention to detail, balance, weight and form. However, most importantly, the judges will be taking into consideration how optimised your model is so it can handle real-time rendering limitations.


  • You must share regular updates of your progress to your entry page. Entries that only upload a single update will be disqualified.
  • You must show your wireframe to indicate how optimised your model is for real-time game engines.
  • You must only choose 1 x character per entry.


  • 5+ renders of your final model (1920px x 1080px minimum).
  • Additional supporting media allowed.

Include The Rookies logo as a small watermark to indicate which elements are your final deliverables.

How to Enter

  1. Choose a character to build from the concept design pack.
  2. Click Submit Entry button to share your first update.
  3. Upload images, videos and supporting media using our page builder.
  4. Add details including a cover image, title, description, tags, and software used.
  5. Accept rules and confirm eligibility.
  6. Add Regular Updates to your entry page to share your progress working from idea through to final deliverables.
  7. Add Final Update to your entry page that includes the required deliverables mentioned above.
Real-time Model
Real-time Model
Real-time Model