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Zenan Xue

Zenan Xue

  Hong Kong

My dream is to work in Maison Magela as an assistant fashion designer. My career goal is to set up my personal brand.

Creative industries‘ application has become a trend. It enriches the designer's convenient tools and reduces the restrictions on scenes and materials. After learning CLO in college, I realized this is a wonderful and convenient tool to create garments and test patterns without muslin.

Learning: Savannah College of Art and Design

Skills: Blender CLO3D

Expertise: 2D Animation Concept Art & Illustration Product Visualisation Visual Effects

  • Skipped Debut N/A
  • Skipped Player N/A
  • Leveled up to Contender N/A
  • Leveled up to Rookie May 27, 2024
  • Pro TBD

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