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The temple of Inthrukar
  Play by Play

The temple of Inthrukar

Filippo Bonarrigo
by Syrinth on 31 May 2024

Environment based on my current DND campaign

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Update - 31 May 2024

Buried under the sun scorched sands of the Kluwaxian deserts, an otherworldly temple awaits to be discovered and explored...

Well, this was a long time in the making... and it still is!

This proect originally started as a silly little render for an environment related to my D&D character's story, though it kind of spiralled into an exercise to develop my own skills with modelling, texturing, and composition. 

Blocking out

It all starts with the basic shapes. 
With this first blockout I was still trying to understand what kind of feel i wanted the temple to have, showcasing the nature of its not so benevolent "deity" through the architecture.

To take a ""quick"" break from the blockout process, I designed and modelled a small set of light fixtures.

The heavy use of triangular shapes and sharp edges is meant to convey a sense of "hostility" to the design in theme with the rest of the temple.

I also created some rock formations to add to the abandoned feel of the temple.

An early rendered view to test the water and fog effects i had put together in Blender.

The coloumn details were also really fun to design and add in!


For the color scheme of this environment I decided to use my favourite palette, purple and gold! 

All of the materials in this image were put together following the tutorials by , they have many useful videos on materials making in Blender, make sure to check them out!

While working on the materials, I also finished modelling the details of the beams and ceiling.

Finished concept renders

These are the final results. I'm super proud of them and i feel like i learned a lot while making these.

...but it's not over!

While working on this project, my computer started to struggle HEAVILY to render this model.
So, being my usual self I went "I need to optimize this immediately" and started to take each individual asset and making low poly versions of them. 

Will be using the pillar as an example. 
First image is the original model, with 277k tris.
Second image is the optimized model, with only 1k tris.

Of course i don't want to lose all of the nice details, so after a "very quick" UV unwrap that will likely follow me into my nightmares, I imported everything into substance painter.

After that, I went in and started to fix and redesign various assets, and I'm still building up my little asset pack to hopefully be able to make a  fully fleshed out environment with them.

...And that's about it, for now!

Thank you for sticking with me and my ramblings in this massive post,  expect me to disappear for a few weeks  (or more, who knows) while I work on stuff.

Until then, see ya!  


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