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When I was in middle school I started thinking about creating a visual novel so I started drawing the characters and I realised that I really liked the idea of creating a video game, but what I liked the most was to create the characters and to find new ideas to make the game entertaining.

I always wanted to work in creative industries but I was afraid because it was considered as a "passion job". After 4 years of studying computer science, I finally choose to enroll in an art school oriented in Video Games.

I got into 3D when I was 15, at the time I wanted to do 3D to combine my architectural skills and create environments the way I wanted. I continued my studies in architecture, until I received remarks from my teachers who told me that I could never design what I wanted, for many reasons, money, structure, gravity... So I decided to pursue my studies in 3D creation, in order to realize anything I wanted without creative limits. 3D allows me to develop all my projects on multiple media.

I realised I wanted to work in the creative industry after a first year at the uni in which I understood that I wasn't made for this, and that I wanted to use my hobby as a work. I've always lived around video games when I was a child as a safe place, I hope I can help other children to get one too.

Since I'm little, I draw a lot and I'm particularly interested by the creation of new characters and backgrounds linked to universes I imagine. I've also always been fascinated by video games and the way I can immerse myself in it. With time, I understood that I really wanted to create universes where people could interact.

When I was a child, it was my dream. But growing up, I never attempted to make it come true... Now, after trying several studies and works, I knew it was time to create video games. I am now one hundred percent comited to work in creative industries !

Since my childhood

After my first year in Biologie class, I realise I wanted to do something more creative in my life. In some way I think I want to impress people. Giving them the little sparke and making them think they can do it too ! Besides that, I always drew as a child, this passion followed me through the years. In my family, we all are artists (digital or traditionnal painters) so going into an artschool was a bit like my dream came true. And I'm really gratefull for what I have !

I've always loved playing video games, I got interested in the process of making them, and that's when I wanted to make a living out of it.

Around 6 years old after playing a lot of video games.

I've always enjoyed creating and telling stories, and I do so through various disciplines.

Despite having always drawn and written worlds, I realized that I wanted to do a creative job when I left high school in 2020.

When I discovered it was possible to get paid to draw :)

I've always wanted to work in this industry, ever since I saw the cartoons that rocked my childhood.

I was drawing since I was little and I never stop ! I started to draw human character 6 years ago, before it was Pokemon concept drawings. I learn animation in e-artsup and I'm crazy about that !

I want to work in the video game industry since I'm a child. Growing up i was lucky enough to have several consoles (3ds & PS2) I played a lot of games with my dad like splinter cell Pandora's Tomorrow/Double Agent, SSX 3, FIFA etc... A few years ago, I discovered Transistor (Supergiant Games) and this game has confirmed my choice of professional career.

We're a team of french 3D artist and dev with multiple passions and creative motivations.

When i have discover the wolrd of Dark Souls Game i'm fall in love for video games

A mon premiers cours d'art plastique au collège

when i was about 13 years old? I know it was after looking at 'spirited away' from Myazaki, but the career paths were not choosen yet.

For quite some time now, at least 8 years ago. I always loved cartoons and bathed in the indie animation side of Youtube and the Internet overall at a pretty young age. I never doubted that I wanted to pursue art and I now settled on animation for my studies.

I've been drawing since I was about 10, because I wanted to put faces on the characters in my stories, and create creatures and universes.

I first realized that I wanted to work in creative industries in college. I loved artistic materials such as drawing, painting or dance. I wanted to realize a creative job that constantly pushes to feed on everyday life and reinvent itself.

J'ai réalisé vouloir travailler dans l'industrie de la création lorsque j'ai commencé le lycée dans la filière STD2A.