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When i was in high school i thought it's so cool to create art that people can interact with

Bonjour je m’appelle Alexis Picque, j’ai 20 ans et je suis en étude de Game-Design et de développement. Je suis passionné par l’univers jeux vidéoludique et de tout ce qui touche au coté créatif. Je réalise plusieurs projets liés à cet univers depuis mon plus jeune âge passant par le design artistique jusqu’au développement. J'étudie à Eartsup à Lille.

When I was in high school, I drew occasionally but not regularly. It was when COVID-19 arrived that I started drawing more frequently at home. Gradually, I began to consider the prospect of working in a field that I love and am passionate about.

I realized this because I love video games and animated films. But above all I wanted to know how it was done. At the same time I did a lot of drawing, I told myself that I could mix my passions with my work.

I started drawing so I could draw my character suffering now I’m the one suffering

I realized I wanted to work in this sector after a year of prep in political science in 2020-21 after a friend showed me his work as a video game developer. Before that, I was interested in it but I never considered working in video games.

Ive always drawn but I never had anyone to teach me until my final year of highschool. So when I had the opportunity after graduating to finally learn to draw the right way, I took it

When I became interested in creating various video games.

I have always been interested in the video game industry. After discovering the creative professions in this field, especially following my discovery internship at Ankama Games, I realized that I wanted to work and achieve my professional goals in this industry.

Back when I was a little kid, I quickly learned how to draw and paint but also started playing video games and wanted it to become my dream job.

I think I've always wanted to work in the creative industry. I've always had this creative and inventive side to me. Ever since I was very young, I've loved creating things, such as adventures with friends or on my own (paper monsters as imaginary friends), making board games, inventing toys from unusable objects, and so on. Video games have enabled me to amplify this passion and discover this wonderful world, where anything goes, anything can be done, the only limit is my imagination.

When I started to play World of Warcraft, I literally fell in love with this game, and one day I dreamed of working at Blizzard Entertainment. Yes, it was my childhood dream, but if I had a chance to work there, I would say yes.

I always wanted to work in creative industries, but I didn't know what precisely before. Photographer ? Architect ? And one day, I realised that I could take my passion and make it my job.

I have always wanted to pursue a creative career. I am passionate about various environment and character designs i can see in video games.

I have always loved creating things since i was a little boy, whether it was telling interactive stories to friends, creating small board games, or making little toys, etc. But discovering video games amplified this! I spent hours on Minecraft creating structures, maps, and game modes. I also spent a lot of time on Halo Reach's Forge mode... Then time passed and now, as a Game Design student, I'm continuing what I've always done, but with support to create even greater things!

When I was a child, I was playing a lot video games. One day, someone asked me what I wanted to do when I grow up and my father answered jokingly that I should make video games. At this time, I've never thought to this eventuality and it was like an eye-opener.