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I have always loved movies. Every since I was young I wanted to take the leap to be able to create memorable movies for years to come.

From a young age, I was captivated by the vibrant world of colors and creativity. I loved picking out my outfits, experimenting with hues, and discovering the emotions that colors could evoke. This passion for playing with colors and expressing feelings through them ignited my desire to work in the creative industries.

In elementary school, when I realized art could be a full-fledged career. I decided I wanted to go into animation in middle school, and I refined that to technical animation in my first year of college.

I knew I wanted to pursue a creative career when I took an animation class in highschool on a whim. I fell in love with the freedom and endless opportunities in creativity.

From a young age, I have always been passionate about design. When I first learned about user experience design and its techniques, I knew without a doubt that I wanted to pursue it. My goal is to create empathetic designs that genuinely help and resonate with those around me.

3D design and animation is actually my third career, following 15 years of working in Corporate Finance and IT. I’ve always been the “chart guy,” helping executives tell stories. That evolved into websites, videos, podcasts and now immersive applications in Unreal Engine. I've been self taught for a few years now, taken some courses at SCAD, and even took a sabbatical to work at an incredible motion design studio during COVID.

I grew up inhaling sci-fi and fantasy books and have always hoped that my career will harness that same level of imagination. I haven't always known just how that would happen for me, but I took a leap of faith entering college which ended up paying off! I love puzzles, painting, sewing, and working with my hands, and continue to find that these skills and hobbies transfer to the world of 3D art in surprising and exciting ways!

I created games for my friends, classmates, and family to play from a young age with intricate stories intertwined. I always knew I wanted to tell stories in some way and later in life finding video games telling those same narratives, I realized I wanted to do so in that industry.

Since high school, I have always been a fan of artistic works such as animated movies, video games and visual effects. I always admired the creative work and wonderful worlds that all these professionals have created. Always wondered, about the process of developing all the animations, models, textures, characters and stories.

My journey to UX (user experience) has been interesting to say the least. Due to class scheduling, my high school pulled me from one of my electives and spontaneously placed me in graphic design. Something clicked for me! I loved creating visual communications and I was so sure I was going to pursue graphic design for the rest of my life... Until I was introduced to UX and an abundance of creative fields. Don't get me wrong, graphic is still in my heart, but now I feel I can do it all!

Hello, I'm Emily Fiedler! I'm a film producer, concept artist, and MUA from Houston, Texas. I am currently finishing off my senior year at Savannah College of Art & Design (with only a small mountain of debt!). Outside of that, I spend my time working as a pastry chef at a local business, cuddling with cats, and dancing with my roommates in the kitchen. I've been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil, but I also enjoy helping other people tell their stories.

I've always been a creative person and love to make things. I don't think there was another option for me.

Three years ago, while studying 2D animation, I first learned about Motion Media Design. This free multimedia combined creation method was novel to me. After learning about the industry, I had the idea of ​​working in creative industries.

I first realized I wanted to work in the creative industry when I was a little girl, surrounded by various art forms and mediums. I can recall experimenting with all sorts of materials to make something unexpected, and oftentimes quite messy. It brought joy I felt a new world opening up to me, filled with endless possibilities. This early exposure instilled a deep love for the arts and a strong desire to be part of a field where I could express myself and contribute to the creative world.

I've been the art kid since I've learned how to hold a crayon, and I really just can't imagine going to school for something that's not related to the creative fields, or not working in the art industry.

I realized since I was in elementay school. Both of my parents were creative in their own outlets and I've noticed I took after that when I began to enjoy drawing and crafting. As I gotten older, I began to notice my specialties, expanding my skills into the outlets I seen myself in. I started drawing realist pictures, designing oufits by sewing garments, stylizing hair, and expanding into crafting jewelry.