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In year 10, I realized I loved making games and wanted to learn by taking a TAFE course to see if I enjoyed the process and found out I loved learning 3D modeling so after school I went straight to uni to learn more and here I am!

I think my love for creativity began as a child, however towards the end of my high school years is when I knew Film and Visual Effects was the pathway I wanted to explore more. With a strong passion and interest in the creation of films and the process in which visual effects are created, exploring and shifting my education and development in this direction was a great decision.

After studying the Creative Industries: 3D Animation Foundations Certificate II course, I found myself interested in 3D Modelling and pursued it from there.

I've always wanted had a strong interest in the creative industries from such a young age, starting all the way back to 13 years of age, I enjoyed filming and editing short films with my cousins. Only when I am deep within the study of international baccalaureate film making in my high school days, is when I can finally see this passion of mine to become a real pathway I would love to part taking in the future.

When I was 15 Years old, I graduated from middle school and went to a 5-Year ART school called Jiangsu News and Publishing school in Nanjing, China. During the time, I wrote tons of scripts & learnt skills of creative editing by using many many VFX softwares such as AE, PR, PS. Then after that, I chose to study Film and TV in University of South Australia, I have wrote and directed 8 short films. Then in my 3rd Year of UNI, I went to Rising Sun Pictures to learn VFX & graduated from there.

What probably sparked a desire to be in creative industries was when I started watching content online, namely from the website "YouTube, when I was thirteen. I was drawn in by how the creators from the website were so creative and how they used their creativity to entertain people. Since then, I have been interested in the more creative side of things.

I've always been fascinated by how things are made from such a young age, especially movies and how they can turn nothing into something impossible. I probably started to really consider the VFX side of it all when I watched superhero movies as a kid, then from there I just knew it was my passion.

When I started college in 2020, I started to learn computer science, but I gradually found that the film industry was more interesting to me when I saw some VFX breakdowns on YouTube. So I decided to study film and television. I love watching movies, and I wish I could be a part of the film industry and work on high-quality projects.

I realised I wanted to work in this industry when I was presented the opportunity to create a short film in my final year of high school for my major project.

2 years ago I transitioned from cinematography and video editing to blender and started my journey

I first became interested in the VFX industry after seeing online communities and the amazing art people were creating with 3D programs. I really enjoy the challenge of working through problems along with the continuous learning that the field provides.

I have always been creative, I got to chance to express my drawing capabilities when I was studying 2D animation in my bachelors degree (Communication Design), and I loved it so much I built a folio of my 2D work and decided to expand my knowledge in a 3D Visual Effects course at Rising Sun Pictures, I knew from pursuing my passion in art over the last 4 years, that the media entertainment industry would be most suited for me to express my creative flair :)

When I was around 16 after completing a cert 3 in media studies through highschool

From a young age I was interested in working in video games, that interest developed into an interest in visual effects as I became interested in video editing and production. I began messing around with Maya and the potential that I discovered lead me to VFX.

I initially wanted to get into game design, but once I started doing a few certificate courses in game design and visual effects, I quickly came to realize my love and passion for the visual effects industry

Growing up I was always loved films and developed a passion for camera aesthetics and techniques as I made my way through school. I started out as a photographer taking photos of landscapes and people at any given chance. After high school I completed a Bachelor of Media Arts and decided I wanted to become a Camera Operator for TV and Films.

About five minuites ago.

I’ve always been involved with media since high school but only last few years have been highly interested in working in Visual Effects as jobs are open world wide including Australia to work on leading feature films such as Marvel. I’ve been training and learning the last 2 years to break into the VFX industry

When I was still studying in University of South Australia, Rising Sun Pictures was talking about how their visual effect working in their industry. After hearing that, I got interested with it because I love to watch many sci-fi movies when I was child. My first thing sci-fi movie was Star War: Revenge of the Sith. Therefore, I want to work in the creative media and entertainment industry that create more interesting effect on movies.

I have been drawing since I was little and am a very visual student in general. I grew up drawing traditional and currently learning digital and slowly improving. I had other career options I was interested in such as forensic science and medicine, however my passion for art was always greater.

Since I was in high school, which was 12 years ago. From that time, I was always passionate about creating things from my own perspective.

I've worked as an independent filmmaker in China, and the short films I've worked on as an assistant director and producer have garnered over 300K views and over 20K likes. Due to my love for the film industry and passion for visual arts, I am now learning VFX and a range of CG software and hope to create more interesting images with these tools. I now aspire to further my career in VFX.

As a child, I was wonderfully creative. Whether it was making extravagant short films or bringing Lego people to life with stop-motion. I loved telling stories. However, my journey to adulthood became consumed by academic validation. Nothing got me excited, until I realized I could study animation at Uni. Inspired by Jim Carrey’s quote, “You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.” I leaped into the world of creativity and never looked back!