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Since I was little, I have loved drawing and creating comics. It's something that has always been inside me, creating characters, landscapes, and stories. Only recently did I decide to make a career out of it.

I first realised that I wanted to work in the creative industry as a young child. I used to see countless adverts on TV in between cartoons shows that used CGI and wondered to myself 'How did they make that?' as I grew older the question changed to 'How can I make that?'. I was and still am, so intrigued with creative industries, due to their innovation, talent and vast creativity.

GCSE I enjoyed isometric drawing of buildings with pen and ink, developed into making 3d models of spaceships and buildings in Google Sketchup while on lunch breaks at work. Decided to have a Career change and study 3d modelling at University.

I have always been excited by architecture and environments. 4 years ago I took a short course in Maya and Unreal Engine, I realized that all the ideas that come to my mind I can make them come true through 3D. The 3D creation process is complex but it is also challenging, which makes me commit even more to the project. I can literally be in front of the screen for hours and hours and still be excited. Being able to share my art with the rest of the world is always comforting.

I realised I wanted to make games early on in my life, as I used to sit as a child and play whatever new release I could get my hands on, this interest turned into me designing characters and 3D modelling for games until now where I am working on making my own indie title.

My passion for creating different ideas came from an early age, but since I saw Avatar my interest when more in making characters , and 6 years ago I started as a self-taught and then moved to university to develop my skills.

I started acting in theatre when I was 11, but when I moved to London to study Theatre and Film I realised I loved Film Production. I studied directing, editing, lighting and sound operating and writing for screen, but I quickly realised that I loved editing more than anything. So I started helping some friends with their short films as well as producing my own.