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I knew i liked to draw since i was a kid, and since my dad studied in architecture, he teached me to draw. From there i knew i wanted to have a job that meant i would draw. It's since my last years of high-school that i knew i wanted to work in animation. Works like Gravity Falls, Infinity Train, and Steven Universe made me want to pursue this passion and made want to work in the animation industry.

Depuis mon enfance, j'ai toujours eu un penchant pour la créativité et l'art. Malgré cela, des doutes m'ont poussé à opter pour une filière scientifique. C'est après l'obtention de mon bac scientifique avec mention assez bien en 2023 que j'ai suivi ma passion pour les industries créatives. Cette décision a confirmé que mon bonheur se trouve dans la création. Aujourd'hui, je m'épanouis dans ce domaine, transformant ma passion en une carrière professionnelle.

I always wanted to work in the animation industry and always wondered how cartoons were made until I saw youtubers doing animations to tell their stories and the more I watched their videos the more I wanted to animate too