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Whenever someone asked me who I wanted to become as a child, I would always respond: an Artist! After high school my path took me towards architecture and I studied and worked within the field for a few years. I felt I needed to pursue a more creative field and here I am, exploring the exciting world of 3D art!

I've been dabbling in different forms of creative media on and off for pretty much the last 10 years. Decision to transition to 3D and start making it my career prospect happened about 4 years ago.

In first year of high school, I got curious how games were made and found myself diving into the world of 3D and visual effects.

Back in 2010, when I was 8 years old at that time, I watched the 3D animated movie "Alpha and Omega: The Big Fureeze," where they showed the process of creating 3D characters at the end. I was fascinated. I decided for myself that there was nothing cooler than a profession related to animated movies. I dreamed that someday in the future, I would be able to create something of my own in 3D. Until today, my passion for creativity remained unchanged.

When I finished high school, i was meant to do this.

I discovered my passion for game art years ago, and ever since, I've been dedicated to studying concept art and illustration. My ultimate goal is to bring my creations to life in beloved games, creating experiences that resonate wit. My journey has been one of continuous learning, and I am committed to furthering my skills to carve out a fulfilling career in game art.

I love Marvel movies, The Avengers is my favorite movie and that is when i have decided to be able to work in the industry in the future.

About 3 years ago when I made a website for myself.


It has been my wish for a long time. Since childhood I have loved to draw but life took me to other paths.

Since I was a kid I love video games. So I wanted to pursue my dream of being a game developer. Most recently i start to get involved with 3d and my passion grew more

I've always dreamed or thought about it but I've always been more on the technical side of things school and work side. 3D graphics combines creativity & technical knowledge and this makes it perfect for my situation.

When i played a lot of games and watched a lot of cartoons i realized it.

When i was 14 years old, imagined composing for the popular video game Darkest Dungeon and on my way i did and composed for the mod Sunward Isles, an add-on expansion for Darkest Dungeon.

I started interesting in a CG in 2015, but something always was between me and learning 3D. I been started 3 or 4 times, but now i feal that im ready to do my best to get in the industry and start learning seriously.

While studying at dieAngewandte Wien.

I have been toiling with the idea of becoming a 3D artist for a long time. I finally put the pieces together at the end of last year, when I took Game Art Institute art test. It gave me focus and a goal and I have been trying to keep the ball rolling ever since.

I always was interested in the cinema and just recently started to move towards this goal.

I took a drafting class in highschool that first introduced me to cad modeling and product design. I remember being completely absorbed in our class projects and thinking at the time that this might be something I could see myself doing as a career. A few years later I came across some videos on youtube of people speedpainting concept art, which was really my first real introduction the industry. I was hooked instantly!