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FX simulation(procedural flower, tornado, cloud, sink)

FX simulation(procedural flower, tornado, cloud, sink)

by syyuanjiahui on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

ALL the stuffs have been done in Houdini.

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1. Attribute @curveU in resample sop is one of the most important attributes in this project. The value of @curveU gradually increases from 0 to 1, from the first to the last point.

2.To achieve the effect of rotating 360° along the Y-axis from bottom to top, use the quaternion function in combination with @curveU,then use the qrotate function to rotate @N. Additionally, use the chramp function with @curveU to gradually decrease the size and make it droop.

3. Using the guide process sop and the forloop structure, complete the petal unfolding process.

4. Generate the @localtransform attribute using the skeleton sop to assist in bending the stamen. Then, in the rig attribute wrangle, use the rotate function to rotate by a certain angle around the @N axis.           

In a tornado, there are three main forces: up force, attraction force, and orbit force. Use nodes in the POP VOP to construct these three forces, forming the initial shape of the tornado.

Generate clouds using the latest cloud system in Houdini 20. Additionally, apply different types of noise to these clouds.

Create the process of water flowing in a kitchen sink using the FLIP system.

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