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IDILI - A Sardinian Horror Experience

IDILI - A Sardinian Horror Experience

by IDILI and alessioporceddu on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

IDILI is a first-person Survival Horror video game. This project started as a Master Degree Thesis in Music for Videogames and it is still in development.

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The video game IDILI is an immersive horror experience set in the evocative context of the nuraghe Is Paras in Isili, aimed at promoting Sardinia's culture and territory through gaming innovation.

The goal is to immerse players in a captivating journey through ancient Sardinian legends, offering a unique experience that blends history, myth, and suspense.

Concept Art

The core idea of the game is to recreate places of significant archaeological importance.

However, despite this, we felt it necessary to reinterpret the actual location of the Nuraghe to adapt it to our needs and make it more suitable for a horror video game.


Our mission and goal are to promote Sardinian culture through video games and 3D applications.

We started studying all the archaeological Sardinian structures, finding references.


We tried to identify some of the typically Sardinian structures to represent in our game. These structures originate from the Nuragic period (around 1500 B.C.) and even earlier.


Regarding the Nuraghe Is Paras, we began our modeling work using a photogrammetric survey of the archaeological site.

Once we obtained the measurements, we started working on the model, aiming to recreate a stone structure as realistically as possible, both in terms of shape and textures.

Domus de Janas

Regarding the Domus de Janas, we based our work solely on photographs.

Monster: Filonzana

The Filonzana is a distinctive mask of Sardinia, the only female character of the Sardinian Carnival.

She represents an elderly, hunchbacked woman dressed in black, busy spinning wool. The thread represents life, which can be cut at any moment.

In reality, Sa Filonzana closely resembles the Greek Moirae and the Roman Parcae, mythological figures, a similarity influenced by the interactions between civilizations during the Nuragic period and afterward.

In this case as well, we extensively based our work on photographs taken during traditional Sardinian festivities.


To recreate an atmosphere as close as possible to the Mediterranean feel of the Sardinian countryside, we used the foliage of the Mediterranean Island Pack from FreshCan.

This pack includes high-quality scanned Pine Trees, shrub trees, rocks, and various plant assets.

We used a landscape Auto material as base and build upon that.


I want to tank all the team that worked very hard for the last 1½ months to prepare this ambitious project in time for Rookie Awards. We hope that you enjoyed this page and thank you for the attention.

Our team is composed of:

Stefano Piras: Project Creator, Game Designer, Composer, and Sound Designer, from Sardinia.

Alessio Porceddu: Junior 3D Designer, from Sardinia.

IntellMove: Senior Programmer, from Australia.

Emanuele Balia: Junior 3D Designer and Junior Programmer, from Sardinia.

Raphael Bernal Tejedor: Senior 3D Designer and Art Director, from Germany.

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