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LAUNEY Florine 2024

LAUNEY Florine 2024

by LAUNEYFlorine on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A collection of my 3D projects since two years, more specifically lighting/shading projects and the steps of production.

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Here is the breakfast project :

I took a lot of inspiration from breakfasts with our grandparents in the countryside and the feeling that that brings.

I experienced it myself, in the morning when you went down to the kitchen you had your bowl of fresh milk with the sugar cubes and the full cup of ground coffee, the fresh bread bought from the baker that same morning, the chocolate sprinkles on our toast with butter and orange juice to give us energy. 

Almost no one knows grandmother's cooking  anymore, made with good ingredients and with love.

Moreover, the decoration of the country house with its wooden furniture and the beautiful sunshine in the garden mean that my project gives us nostalgia for its moments of simple happiness.

IFA project (end of year image) with the thematic, “The backroom of the store”:

I chose to have a backroom of a shop in the 80s.

it's an independent store more precisely of a media center located in a small peri-urban town in Colorado (in the style of the movie "it" or the series "stranger things".

In a context where digital and media, especially among the younger generation, are beginning to take place.

I imagined this backroom despite its poorly maintained appearance as a storage place but also a place to take a break where the manager can have a good time playing on his console.

The idea is that the manager of this store is a 40-year-old former programmer who is a fan of technology and a geek  who had the dream of opening a media store for everyone. He is a man who lives simply and this presence is also suggested by a still lit cigarette or the TV.

In my intentions I wanted the premises of this store to be quite rustic, moderately large, warm and busy.

The room is dimly lit and poorly insulated with the presence of dilapidated walls and other concerns due to the age of the building. The lighting is deliberately contrasting, with orange tones on one side in the storage space, the source of which is a small window of ambient exterior light. On the other side, more bluish lighting comes from the appliances on and demarcates the break and living space.

Hero's lair project :

In two different atmospheres we divide the lair of a hero of our choice.

So for this subject I imagined Lara Croft's lair by mixing the various representations of her workspace through the games and movies of which she is the heroine and developed this place during the day and during the night.

I wanted this place as a shelter hidden in his garden behind his mansion, this is why the lighting comes from a dome above the room which alone stands out from the lawn. During the day the light comes in and brightly illuminates the room and at night there is only the faint light of the moon passing through the dome.

Daylight highlights the desk where Lara works and at night I wanted to highlight the purpose of her work and the objects she found during her expeditions. This is why the room is practically cut in two part and why at night only the side of the objects and relics is lit by neon lights and during the day only the office is highlighted.

Insect project :

The goal was simple, to create an imaginary insect based on a real insect which nevertheless appeares realistic and then animate it in its environement.

I chose to create an insect based on an ant, an Andrena bee and a wasp and have it live like the Andrenna bee in a burrow on the ground. In my shot my insect goes from its burrow to a branch of the tree above.

I wanted a warm and bright environment full of life during the late afternoon.

I  published a turn of my insect aswell and a breakdown of the shot.

The Timelapse project :

A very big project in our second year of training, we had to choose an object and then make it evolve from a practically new state to one damaged by time, all in a fluid sequence that was not devoid of meaning.

For my part, I chose as my subject the Erebor throne (fortress under the mountain and home of the Dwarfs) featured in the “Hobbit” trilogy.

In the context of the film I decided to follow, the throne was originally the seat of the dwarf king “Thror”, and following a war lost by the dwarves to the great dragon Smaug, lured by their gold, the throne became unoccupied.

Years went by, the throne was broken and parts of it were torn off, the gold lost its luster and the stone that adorned the throne fell and was lost, until Thorin, Thror's grandson, and his companions managed to reclaim the kingdom.

So, in addition to damaging my object over time, I told its story through my timelapses.

To do this, I gave myself a number of challenges, such as making Smaug's paw come to life and arrive in front of the throne, illustrating the moment of his arrival and the beginning of the propagation of time on my object. The fact that my object also broke in the middle of the sequence was also difficult, and the great complexity of the architecture and the 3D realization of the castle were challenges to be met on this project.

So I therefore succeeded in telling a story through my work.

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