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Fan Art inspired by Sci-Fi Worlds

Fan Art inspired by Sci-Fi Worlds

by TomStockman on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024


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My name is Tom, I graduated from CGSpectrum in 2023 and have been working to improve

The way I most enjoy expressing myself through illustration is to think of media that inspired me and to pay homage to those experiences.


"For you are a commando, an elite unit, something truly special"
- Star Wars: Republic Command

This piece, inspired by the 2005 shooter, was conceived as a way to push myself to explore palettes that I don't have as much experience with. The Geonosis badlands provided ample opportunity and it was a joy to recreate the iconic gauntlet-vibroblade melee takedown that I'm sure all fans of the game are fond of.

Denizens of ZDR

Taking inspiration from the work of Dave Rapoza, his Super Metroid montage in particular, I set out to give Metroid Dread a similar treatment. I found this quite ambitious at the time, with the various anatomy types and the interplay of scale between Samus and the creatures - but it was instrumental.

Vengeance on Kothlis

I found it necessary to light all the ship reference for this piece in Blender before painting, as these ships have such an iconic look to them.

When I share my work on Instagram I like to make a brief multimedia piece to accompany it. Since much of my work is inspired by other media, I try to evoke the original feel and further sell the narrative moment. For anyone else who grew up with these games, it's a shot of nostalgia.

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