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2023-2024 Concept Art and Illustrations

2023-2024 Concept Art and Illustrations

by alexandraavram on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello, my name is Avram Alexandra and I'm a 19 year old first year game art student at University for the Creative Arts. This is a compilation of my concept art and illustration work done in the past year. Hope you enjoy!

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Term 1 Uni Work

For the first term of my 2D class, I had to do concept art and illustrations of various themed objects. I'll showcase some of them down below

Each object had a loose theme/prompt. I chose to do an astral projection instrument for the "Scientific Instrument" prompt.

This one was for the "Jarred Specimen" prompt.

"Religious or Magical Object" prompt. I went with the safe option since I only had one day left to make this assignment as I had to catch up with others previously.

3D block-out of the room where these objects can be found

This one was an assignment for our basic character design principles lecture

Concept art for 3D class where we also had to translate our sketch into a textured 3d low poly model. Unfortunately, my 3D skills are not on par with my drawing skills yet.

Personal art: Yelan Fanart

Yelan fanart from January 2023. It took about a month to finish. I focused on practicing the rendering of various materials within a single environment. Yelan was the ideal subject for this exercise since her design features a diverse range of materials, including cloth, fur, latex, gold, mesh, etc.

I think I should have chosen a more interesting thumbnail. D might have been a better choice. Looking back, B has a somewhat awkward character position

Video Game and Board Game concept art and Illustrations

Concept art and illustrations done for a board game and a video game I had to do as group assignments. Everything showcased down below are my contributions to the team.

Video Game art

Illustrations and Concept Art done for the last course of the first year of university. We had 4 weeks to do a short game. Me and my team decided to make an unserious dating simulator about a zombie trying to win The gravedigger's love. The game follows the story: "John is a lonely guy who through his life never found love. John never left his hometown and never achieved anything significant throughout his life. One day he decided to step out of his routine and doing this, he unfortunately died. But nothing was lost, because John came back as a zombie. Now the choice is his to succumb to his zombie urges and infect the entire world or take this as an opportunity for a new life filled with love and adventure."

2D sprites for the main protagonists of the game

John's concept art. He's the character you play as, trying to win David's love by giving him presents.

David's concept art. He's the love interest. My other teammates suggested playing into stereotypes a little. He has a "dad bod" with a beer belly as he became an alcoholic after his wife died.

Collectable Items illustrations. These pop-up on the screen when you collect an the respective item

Priest's concept art. He's the enemy of the game. Once you infect someone, he will chase you and throw holy water balloons trying to exorcise John

Board Game:

Boss Illustrations for the board game. It had a sub nautic theme. These were done for cards that players place on the board at the start of the game

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