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A room of the Medieval European Castle and Ferrari

A room of the Medieval European Castle and Ferrari

by marikok on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

I created both the room of the ancient castle and the Ferrari entirely from scratch. I challenged myself to represent the texture inherent in the models themselves through modeling and lighting alone, without applying any textures to improving my modeling skill.

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About the first portfolio, this room is the room of a real castle which's name is Chillingham Castle. The castle was built in the 13th century. First,  First, I collected references of the room in the castle. Next, I started to build the previs models based on the concept images because I needed to know the scale of the models and how the room actually looks like. Then, I created the silhouette of models and created it in appropriate detail. I controlled the size of the highlight on the edges and the reflection of the model's surface so the model looks old. For example, I added soft and hard edges on the model randomly. For the animals, I sculpted them in Zbrush. The goat and horse were created in the order of skull, muscles, and skin for the anatomy study. Then, I highlighted the animals' symmetry to look natural, such as the eyes. For the deer, I reused the goat's head since the silhouette is similar to that of a goat. For the stone walls, I considered how quickly I could model them with low models using displacement maps. I created 5 to 6 groups of stone models including displacement maps and placed them randomly. For models close to the camera, I especially adjusted the size and shape using Lattice so that every stone is unique. For the curtains, natural looking wrinkles were created in Ncloth and cloth details were created using the displacement maps.

Lastly, I paid attention to the overall composition, story and set-dressing of the work. For example, I created and placed a horse at the center front of the room so that horse catches attention. For the stone walls, tiles, and table, I added negative space and contrast to effectively try bringing out the old look and story of them. Also the left side of the elephant in this photo was boring, so instead of placing models, I light it up to better balance the composition of the photo. I also reused or collapsed the existing models and placed them in the corner of the room to eliminate the blank space and improve the composition of the room. 

Through this portfolio, I paid attention to the art and technical aspects.

In art, I paid attention to scale and the appropriate details of every model to look like the same age as a real castle because I wanted it to be realistic, the same as a real castle.

For technical aspects, I paid attention to lessen the rendered time.

For example, I added details to models, in the order of models closer to the camera.

Also, about the elephant, I created this shape with Ncloth. It helped lessen working time.

About the second portfolio. First, I created privs model based on a blueprint and references and created a silhouette. Then I created the model's surface beautifully with only a quad surface and divided it into parts. Next, I added every part in more detail.

Lastly, I created wheels and tires. The tires and wheels were made with continuous design. I created one part and copied it for the other parts. This car is FX ready.

My inspiration for the second portfolio is my fascination with curves. I would like to create a hard surface model with great curves and a really eye-catching one. That’s when the image of a sports car came to mind. I was inspired by the image of a beautiful picture of a car that is moving so fast and yet remains so detailed and created the ferrari.

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