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Lopez Clement / Final year Game artist student entry

Lopez Clement / Final year Game artist student entry

by Kleimm on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hello everybody, I will present to you my work carried out throughout the year. Enjoy

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Hello everybody, my name is Clement i'm 27, I am currently in the 4th year of game design at Game Academy

I will present my work to you throughout the school year. Enjoy

I will start with my partial, I chose a character skin called Octane in the game Apex Legend

I had trouble with the hard surface, I will continue to improve in the future

I am now going to present to you a digital reproduction of a film actress that I appreciate

I am very proud of my result

Here is now the environment in a stylized style which was mounted on unreal engine 5

Finally I will present to you the help I gave to the common class project which is entitled Tower of doom

Of the environment

And finally a blade

Thank you for taking the time to observe my work, I am open to all feedback with pleasure.

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