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Gabriel López Sánchez - 2024 Concep Art

Gabriel López Sánchez - 2024 Concep Art

Gabriel López Sánchez
by gabitolp on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi! My name is Gabriel and this is my submit for the Rookies Awards in 2024. I am a Concept art student at Voxel School, Madrid. Hope you like it!

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Hi everyone!

My name is Gabriel and i am so glad to participe in the Rookies this year.

I am currently cursing a Master Degree in Concept Art at Voxel School, so most of the projects and artworks that i posted are projects from that.

Oh! if you want to see more, check my artstation and my instagram. 

Contact: [email protected]

Hope you like it! 

Group Class Projects.

"Echoes of Fear" Project 1.

this project is based on an imaginary survival horror shooter video game set in an American town in the 1980s, where you play as an elderly woman, huntress of cryptids.

After existing for years in the shadows being hunted and controled by an ancient Hunting Group now extinct, cryptids have now evolved and are coming out to attack people. Hunters are needed to restore the balance that once existed in the world.

Carachter 1: Michael "The Old Hunter".

This first carachter is the last Hunting of the legendary Hunting Cryptid Group. He was the only one who defended civilians from the cryptic threat. Now, being kidnapped. Now, being imprisoned by a cryptid with evolved intelligence, his only hope is his wife, who has his Cryptid Hunting Guide in her possession.

Rendering process.

Some exploring thumbnails. 

Creature 1: "Laughing Lurker" Cryptid. 

This cryptid is one of the most toxic ones. He´s  a infected humand transformed in a pustular abomination that throws corrosive acid and explosive bubbles to you. Carefull if you don´t want to die... or get infected. You can find him in chemical factories.

Rendering Process.

Creature 2: "Toxic Titan" Cryptid. 

Is pure evil. A genetic modification in a infected gen made this cryptid the most intelligent and dedliest creature in the world. He can use any object to attack with his incredible strength. Even with these powerful habilities, this cryptid could evolve in the midst of a fight or even exploding itself. 

Golem Phases.

Environment: "Daisy Hollow".

This is where it all happens. A quiet American town has suddenly been invaded by mysterious apparitions that dominate the night. 

Individual Project "EPSILVM-666".

This is an individual project that i made in the first months of the Master Degree about a Satanic Space civilization. These are some of the carachter designs that i made:

The Lord, Priest and minor fellow of the EPSILVM-666 colony.

Some thumbnails:

Group Project (WIP).

Not done yet, but i can show you some of the explorations that we have so far. The theme is basically a world made of food and diferent regions divided by the different types of taste buds found on the tongue.

Some of the characters that we will encounter are the spicy tribe, nomads who love fire and forbidden food, the chilli pepper.

The main carachter is a Warrior Chef that has to deal with different hazards meanwhile he cooks food recipes. 

Some thumbnails of the MC:

Character Concepts and Studies:

Some of my studies and independent concepts in Carachter Design. 

First we have a Galactic Fisherman that travel the universe to fish in the most incredible planets:

Color Variations:

Some thumbnails:

This is a Carachter Design called "The Swamp Guardian".

Clothing Design Studies:

I made some clothing studies based on a variety of themes.

The first one is the Stark´s Family of Game of Thrones:

I have also done a clothing study for the Kingdom of Fire from the Avatar series:

Prop Concept:

This is a Prop Concept based on a Necronomicon description:

Environment Concepts:

Some experimental concepts of a Spaceship´s Botanic laboratory:

Also a Japan building with a cartoony style:

Anatomy and Color Studies:

Some of my anatomy torso studies (sketch):

Torso Render:

Some extra stuff like portraits, texture studies or lighting changing studies:

And that´s all! Thank you so much for staying until the end! Best of luck in your art career everyone! 


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