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Character artist and Surfacing artist  showreel

Character artist and Surfacing artist showreel

Gabriel Sanayeh
by Gabrielsanayeh on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

My latest characters, I hope you like it

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Hello everyone,

I'm glad to Share with you my 2024 showreel

I enjoy training on a wide range of styles, from Hand painted, cartoon to realistic.

I'm a 3D character artist and surfacing artist. I graduated in August 2023 from Supinfocom MOPA, Arles

This Character was done for my graduation Short film "Hubris" group project.

I was in charge of the modeling, surfacing and grooming of the character. I loved working on it as fan of Scifi it was super fun to work on the space suit/ body armor.

My favorite part was detailling the character face, skin details etc.... 

Giving life to its eyes was a really proud moment, to see all this work come to life !


This one is very personal project as I'm a Big fan of the Halo franchise and creating a full Armored Spartan was quite a challenged !

For the base concept I loved Halo wars 1 and 2 spartan armor and took huge inspiration from it, I just changed some part to be closer for my vision. 

Less glass for the visor, trying to give the chest a bulkier look with the add of  an amor protection to the throat and amunition bags 

This character is part of a bigger project of shortfilm and thus I need it to be very highly detailled.

Finding the right metal and level of wear off was quite tricky and it took some time, try and errors.

A little test I did with the character to try it in the decor of my short with a bit of ambiance 

And this one is also a test but this time with a flood character I recently finished and is not in my showreel.  You can find more about it on my artstation 


This project was really fun to do ! I fell in love with the concept from Yann de preval

I did this character as a training beside my internship when I was a trainee at a studio in Bucharest, Romania, so maybe being In Dracula country gave me the envy, who know

The biggest goal of this tranning was to be as fidel as possible to the original concept 

The astronaut

I loved the concept made by Denis Zilberg and wanted to try again to be as close as possible of it

The reel challenge, here, was the lighting, on the concept a lot of light weren't realist and I add to fake a lot of it for the final render.

The Giant Robot

This one is part of my halo project, it is a Strato sentinel from the halo universe.

A 1 kilometer tall giant robot.  This project had two goals.

First to train on giant Spaceship like object and be able to give the level of detailled I want.

And second to have fun with it, thus I created this robot for a short project made with an FX artist friend to have this monster come out of the ground, destroying everything as it levitate to the sky 

Crispy short film
A School group project where I was in charge of the small Hermit crab and also modeling, surfacing, storyboarding and some part environment scene

This project was a super opportunity to move out from humanoid character to stylized animal character.

We add a blast with the group to work on the short universe, creating the beach and story around our character.

A part I really enjoyed doing was the shading of the conical chips. Recreating the  porus surface and the way the lighting would move throught the crisp.

Robot boy

This project had a double opportunity, to finally be able to make a project with a close friend and second to give a try to hand painted texture. 

On this project I was in charge of the modeling and texturing of the robot and my friend the boy.

After all my training on hardsurface modeling it was quite enjoyable to work effortlessly on this robot.

Thank you for watching until the end, hope you liked my work

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