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Ersatz' Tower

Ersatz' Tower

Esther Magowan
by Estasha on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

An idea I had for a possible multi-choice video game setting.

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References I've used. My beast is heavily based on the Wendigo folklore spirit. I was also heavily inspired by the card collection Weird 'n' Wild Creatures illustrations.

My tower design is based on an idea I made a few years ago for an art project which took inspiration from the 2017 Edith Finch video game. I had sketched concepts and created a 3D model of this idea and liked it so much that I decided to incorporate it into this project.

When coming up with ideas- I get out my references and begin sketching quick ideas, I'll then bring these into Procreate and create a neater-looking drawing.

The first version here was a sketch, that I then painted over with drawing ink. I then traced over this in Procreate to create a coloured version of my character.

Using my references I came up with a Wenigo-like creature. It features a long neck, strong beak, exposed ribs, powerful hind legs, and long, skinny arms. It is also covered in sludge/goop that constantly oozes from it. 

The idea for the creature is that it is a threat to the video game player. However, at times it seems friendly and pitiful, convincing the player to feel sorry for it. It can mimic voices and seems to live off the sludge slowly killing it. During the game the player can try to escape the tower they're trapped in with the beast or try to help it. Either way, the beast can attack and will chase the player in the tower, house, and woods.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my 2024 Rookies entry 

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