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Project Ashura & Project 2061

Project Ashura & Project 2061

Chang Jun Jie
by AndrewC on 1 Jun 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Here are some of the projects I've done throughout my time in The One Academy.

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This is a group project where I worked with 4 other people that contributes into a full story.

An old monk, his body covered in scars and old injuries, is talking to some younger acolytes.
They ask him about his injuries, and he spins tall tales of his old life that paint himself as a hero -but as his stories wear on, the truth begins to emerge of his dark past.

Initially the concept was originally set in early Edo period japan, but due to some discussion it was changed to a post-apocalyptic scifi.

Convoy Ambush

The tengu’s caravan convoy is moving through an old forest mountain pass unaware they are being watched by the ronin’s lookouts before being ambushed.

Oni’s Confrontation

The Oni finally confronts the ronin after finding him resting in the forest.

Concept Designs for Ashura

The Tengu is a conjured up version of the mercenary in the old monk's story to paint the monk as a hero.

Digital Matte Painting

Hospital Ruins

30 years after a war, nature reclaims the ruins of an old hospital located in a residential area.

Engine Test Facility

The government has dumped a huge sum into developing a classifed experimental jet engine. After a decade of development, the engineers can only hope that it doesn’t destroy itself in the stress test.

Megacorp Tower

A monolithic tower that triumps over the entire city owned by a ruthless megacorp. Due to a security breach, they are currently under lockdown

Project 2061

It is a beat'em up video game that's set in a dystopian alternate future Hong Kong, where you play as a former delinquent detective that utilizes kung fu to combat all kinds of criminals from low level street punks, to high-tech cyberterrorists.

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